One should never go unprepared in terms of armament. This goes for one’s space ship, one’s own mind and one’s own body as well. Concerning the departure itself, one knows more or less everything about it, since it was carefully prepared. But what is to be expected ahead, either flat or deep, is yet unknown. This Odyssey is neither chosen nor wanted, it’s not even inflicted. There it stands, unavoidable, like a pure evidence.
To find one’s bearings through the Galerie Maisonneuve is an attempt, an attempt to structure the odyssey, but simultaneously an attempt to distort it, melt oneself in it — in short : to recognize it.
One might get a shot in one’s arm, swallow a piece of blotting paper, have a snuff of snow, chew some grass. All these have already been tried, and one knows by heart these paths which have one day turned to marble.
It will rather partake of a memory, of a nostalgia, of an existence lived by proxy, of a road opening onto several labyrinths, of the victory of schizophrenia over reality. In short, it will partake of the contradiction which consists in describing the world as seen from inside this very world.
10 chapters or stations.
There will be 10 chapters or stations — may be more, may be less — but they will appear in succession, according to an order alien to chronology or the generally admitted notion of time.”
Mathieu Briand, December 2006